KFC UX Feature Enhancements

Streamlining User Experience: Enhancing Customization on the KFC Product Detail Page (PDP)

Role: UI/UX Designer & Researcher
Industry: Food & Beverage, B2C
Device: Responsive Web, App
Year: 2023
KFC Case Study


KFC's ambition to enhance the digital ordering journey—transforming it into a seamless experience that allows customers to skip the in-store queue through online ordering—presented a unique set of design challenges. Central to this initiative was the overhaul of the Product Detail Page (PDP), with a particular focus on simplifying the customization of multiple sides.

Results & Impact

User-Centric Success: The redesigned PDP achieved usability test scores of 96% on desktop and 80% on mobile, validating the effectiveness of the design and its alignment with user needs.

Decreased Confusion: The redesign led to an 80% decrease in user confusion during the ordering process across both web and mobile platforms, significantly reducing incorrect orders and enhancing customer satisfaction.


The initial design of the PDP, although functional, was fraught with user navigation issues, particularly in customizing meal sides. Users were inadvertently placing incorrect orders, not realizing they needed to first remove default selections. This issue highlighted a gap between the design's intentions and user interactions, necessitating a thoughtful redesign to bridge this divide.


1. Clear, Concise Instructions: We introduced clearer, more visible guidelines for customizing orders, emphasizing the need to remove default sides before adding new selections. This immediate change aimed to mitigate confusion right at the start of the customization process.

2. Intuitive Visual Aids: Enhancements included the integration of distinctive icons and color highlights to distinguish between default and selected sides, thereby streamlining the customization process and reducing order errors.


In-Depth insights from unmoderated testing

Our extensive unmoderated testing phase offered a window into real user behaviors and preferences, revealing critical insights that guided the refinement of the PDP's UI/UX elements. This process underscored the importance of direct user feedback in driving design decisions that truly resonate with the target audience.

User Testing Plan

Selection and Setup: Conducting tests with diverse participants to gather a wide range of data on user interaction with the PDP. Each participant was tasked with navigating through different meal customization scenarios to highlight any potential issues or areas for improvement.

Execution: Participants used high-fidelity interactive prototypes on both desktop and mobile platforms, ensuring comprehensive coverage of user experiences. Feedback was meticulously recorded, with particular attention to user ease, customization preferences, and overall satisfaction.

User Testing Analysis

The user testing revealed key insights across different meal scenarios:

Family Meal: Users struggled with pre-selected sides and preferred a clearer starting point for customization.

Combo Meal: The initial setup confused users, highlighting a need for more intuitive design cues.

Individual Item with Sauces: Users showed a clear preference for no default selections, indicating a need for flexibility in the customization process.

User Testing Findings

The final report compiled from the testing underscored the need for:

Simplification: Removing default selections to reduce confusion and enhance user autonomy in meal customization.

Visual and Instructional Clarity: Enhancing visual cues and adding clear instructions to guide users through the customization process effectively.

Final Thoughts

The redesign of KFC's PDP stands as a testament to the power of user-centered design, illustrating how deep user insights and a methodical, iterative approach can transform a complex challenge into an intuitive and effective digital solution. This project not only improved the user experience but also set a new standard for KFC's digital offerings, underscoring the importance of aligning design with user needs and business goals.